Ok, so I wake up at 3:00 Thursday morning and thought to myself, I'm pregnant. I just totally thought that I was. I felt like it, and I was 3 days late. So.. I can't go back to sleep. As soon as Kaitlyn wakes up, we make a trip to Walgreens for the good ol' fashioned pregnancy test. Take it home, pee, and get a positve result. Holy crap. So I go along the whole day feeling all sorts of emotions. (Quick update: we are not preventing pregnancy, but not necessarily trying). So I call and tell James and he is totally excited. I didn't tell anyone else, because we are not exactly settled in our lives right now. My parents would be like, "What the freak? Do we need to remind you that you are living with us?" So anyway.... I go to bed Thursday night and wake up around 4:00 AM bleeding really bad. Lovely. I waited until 7:00, then woke up my mom and told her the news. She freaks out of course, tells me to lay down and goes to call her OB/GYN. The doctor asked me if I happened to have another preg. test. I did, so I took the second one. Still, appeared to be a positive result. The doctor asked me to describe the test to him, to which I got a little annoyed and said, do you not think I know how to work one of these things? I already have one kid!!! Background: The pregancy test I took with Kaitlyn had two little windows, and if you had a line in each one it was positive and just one line meant negative. I thought I bought the exact one I took when I was preg. with her. I had two lines. Then the sarcastic doctor asked me the name of the test and I said Fact Plus. To which he replied, "So, is there a PLUS SIGN in ANY of the windows??" To which I said "Damn. Nope." I have never felt dumber and probably never will feel more stupid than I did right then. So, so much for that January 14, due date. (Yes, I had already looked it up) Better luck next month.