Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm back in the tech world!

Hey gals. I've been out of commission for a while...but I'm back. I have like 2 billion emails that I need to reply to and of course my website needs to be updated.

Everything is going really well. I'm laying here in bed with the lap top in my lap, a dog on one side and a baby on the other. We're just chilling. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So I had another meeting about work stuff today and it was mutually decided that GCC isn't a good place for me now and it's time for me to move on. Partly because of the situation with the intern but also because the passion for all parts of the job is gone. I love certain parts of it but in total there are aspects that just aren't a perfect fit for me. As of July 31st I'm unemployed (with one month's pay and benefits).

I really feel like there's more out there for me but it's going to be so hard to leave here. I'm going to miss the students so much. The feelings are just setting in now: needing to find a new job, changing churches (just to get a clean break), etc. Send any job leads my way - I'll be shopping!

Monday, July 18, 2005

I love tech crew

I'm so glad that we've started blogging. And now we all have our own blogs too. This is the best way to keep up on everything, almost like a conversation that just keeps going - I love it! The first thing I do when I get into the office is check blogs to see if there's new news and then a make sure to check before I leave for the day. I'm really loving all the fun technology that's around now!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sara's having the baby

Haven't heard yet, but they went to the hospital at 6:00 this morning, her water broke at 8:30 and she's dialated at 9 cm. Any time now! C'mon Chase!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Prayer Request

Hey gals...
So I have a situation at work that I need prayer for. I've had tension with our high school intern for the last year because he doesn't respect me and because he made me think that he really cared for me as a friend but then turned around and basically cut off any kind of friendship. Working with him is nasty and we're finally to the point (because the youth pastor went out of town for a while and with just Jesse and I here running things it got messy) where we're going to meet with other church staff and get everything out on the table. I'm really considering leaving this job if that's what it takes to stop the stress and fighting. I don't want to leave but I'm ready to do it if I have to. Please pray for wisdom and strength for whatever outcome things come to after the meeting on Tuesday. Thanks.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Bucket O' Fun!

Hey gals! So it's the 4th of July and I'm off to a family gathering soon to celebrate the holiday and my cousin's 24th B'Day (yes, she's a fourth of July baby). I just have to laugh at how much of a lush I felt like today...

My job for the family BBQ was to make and bring a "bucket o' ritas" which I'm sure you've seen and maybe made. It's just funny that everything in my house is junk food and microwaveable stuff because I'm never home and if I am I just don't want to cook something huge for just me. Now to couple with my Totino's frozen pizzas I had 24 servings of Margarita hanging out in my freezer - actually overflowing (which I get to clean up when I get back home). If someone had looked in the freezer they totally would have wondered what kind of girl I am (of coarse they would have to pass by the full wine rack on thier way to the freezer). I live alone but have massive quantities of margarita hanging around (oh, did I mention that I'm in ministry?), something about the whole picture just seemed a little shaddy to me...

I'll let you know how much "fun" the family has once we start drinking - could make for a very festive 4th (even if ritas aren't totally american)!